Prior to Commencement of the Course
Cancelled Course - Fees paid back in full, including application fee ($30)
Visa is Denied - Fees paid back in full, less application fee ($30)
Voluntary Withdrawal (more than 28 days prior to commencement of school) - Fees paid back in full, less application fee ($30)
Voluntary Withdrawal (less than 28 days prior to commencement of school) - Fees paid back, less application fee ($30) and non-refundable enrolment deposit ($150)
After Commencement of the Course
Withdrawal during Orientation or Week 1 - 90% of tuition, less $150 non-refundable deposit
Withdrawal during Week 2 - 60% of tuition, less $150 non-refundable deposit
Withdrawal during Week 3 or 4 - 30% of tuition, less $150 non-refundable enrolment deposit
Withdrawal after 4th Week - No refund
Overseas Outreach Fees
Prior to Outreach (up to 2 weeks prior) - Full refund of ground fees paid
2 Weeks Prior to and After Commencement of Outreach - No refund except under special circumstances. In such case, refunds will only be given on any unspent fees and at the discretion of the Course Leader
Airfare - Airfare refunds given based on airline / travel agent refund policies
Prior to Commencement of the Course
Cancelled Course - Fees paid back in full, including application fee ($30)
Visa is Denied - Fees paid back in full, less application fee ($30)
Voluntary Withdrawal (more than 28 days prior to commencement of school) - Fees paid back in full, less application fee ($30)
Voluntary Withdrawal (less than 28 days prior to commencement of school) - Fees paid back, less application fee ($30) and non-refundable enrolment deposit ($150)
After Commencement of the Course
Withdrawal during “Phase 1” (Study Period 1-2) - 50% of tuition, less enrolment deposit ($150)
Withdrawal during “Phase 2” or After (Study period 3-4) - No refund
Withdrawal Prior to Arrival
Cancelled Position - Fees paid back in full, less application fee ($30)
Visa is Denied - Fees paid back in full, less application fee ($30)
Voluntary Withdrawal - Fees paid back in full, less application fee ($30)
After Arrival to YWAM Brisbane
Accommodation Fees - Accommodation fees will be charged as long as you are occupying a room in a YWAM Brisbane facility or rental house, including during outreaches away from the Base. If leaving YWAM Brisbane, you will be charged for all days up to the day you leave.
Meals and services - Must give Accounts office and Kitchen Manager more than 1 ½ weeks notice if no longer eating with YWAM Brisbane.
Key Deposit - Refunded upon return of the keys
Housing Deposit - Upon leaving YWAM Brisbane, the housing deposit will be returned to you, unless you have fees owing, then it will be applied toward your ‘account’.
OSHC refunds are is subject to Medibank Private Refund policies
Refunds will be paid only to the person who has entered into the course and/or ministry role unless the person directs us in writing for it to be paid to someone else
To apply for a refund, please write/email the Registrar or the Accounts Dept requesting the refund
All refunds will be returned in Australian dollars. Where a request is received for the refund to be paid in the same currency it was received, this will be accommodated on the basis if the method and currency is practical. The amount refunded will be less transfer fees and associated conversion losses.
Refunds will be paid no later than 4 weeks after the student’s written request.
Refunds will be paid no later than 2 weeks in the case of the Course not being able to run, the Course or Base becoming unregistered or Airfare refunds being released to the Base on the individual’s behalf
YWAM Brisbane is committed to integrity, confidentiality and care in our communication. To help uphold these, the Accounts department will communicate consistently and exclusively with the staff or student (or the legal guardian of students under 18 years old) regarding all financial details. It is the responsibility and prerogative of the staff or student to share that information with family and supporters as they see fit. We are available to family and supporters to answer questions about our policies & pricing, but will not divulge the specifics of an individual’s account.
If you feel you’ve been dealt with unfairly, any student or staff may access our Complaints and Appeals Procedures. If the individual still does not feel justified, this agreement does not remove the right of the individual to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws. If you have any questions please contact us.
This document was last edited on 30 March, 2021