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We're so excited you're joining us for one of our Youth Discipleship Camps! Fill in your details below & we'll be in touch soon.

*Important- This is a Release of Liability Form. Only sign this document once you have read & understood the terms & conditions below. By signing this agreement you assume all risks & agree to waive your legal rights including the right to sue.

How would you describe your current relationship with God?
T-Shirt Size?

Parent only needed if under 18, but please still provide an emergency contact

In case of an emergency, please provide an additional contact person:


(If under 18 years old)

I consent to my child’s picture being taken for the use of promotional materials to communicate Discipleship Camps to other youth.

I acknowledge that some of the activities may involve physical risk and that I/my child  participates at my/his/her own risk. I understand that Youth With a Mission Brisbane and its members will take  reasonable steps to provide a safe environment and will ensure that all equipment supplied by them for  the activities is of a reasonable standard. 

I acknowledge that Youth With a Mission Brisbane and its members will not be liable for any injury that may be  suffered, which arises either directly or indirectly from, or in connection with programmed activities. 

I hereby agree to indemnify Youth With a Mission Brisbane and its members against any and all claims arising from,  or in connection with, any injury that may be suffered by me / my child, or that I/my child may cause to another person, as  well as any loss or damage to property, equipment or personal effects belonging to me / my child, or any other person,  arising either directly or indirectly out of or in connection with the programmed activities. 

I agree that the Youth With a Mission Brisbane and its members may authorise on my/my child’s behalf whatever medical treatment I/he/she may require. (This includes, but is not limited to, ambulance attendance and hospital  treatment) I agree to pay all medical expenses incurred.  

By signing this waiver and assumption of risk and release, I acknowledge that there can be certain risks of injury to  my child or third parties associated with their participation in the selected activities, and that Youth With a Mission  Brisbane and its members are not medical practitioners and that they cannot provide advice as medical  practitioners, that they should seek medical advice from a medical practitioner before participating in selected  activities. The participant is aware that certain medical problems may arise if he/she undertakes and participates in the  selected activities without obtaining advice from a medical practitioner beforehand.  

The participant agrees that it will abide by the rules for participating in the various activities facilitated by Youth  With a Mission, including the necessity of the participant wearing protective clothing, and equipment for specified  activities. The Participant agrees to follow the instructions of Youth With a Mission Brisbane. The participant also  agrees that if they fail to follow instructions from YWAM (Youth With a Mission) workers and any rules of Youth With a Mission in respect of the  various activities, the participants may not be permitted to participate in the selected activities any further and  without refund. 

I will allow my / my child’s name, photo and/or footage (if 'Yes' was selected in the Consent & Release section above), quotes or testimonies to be used by Youth With a Mission Brisbane for the purposes of advertising their programs and news articles.

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